Obituary of Arsenault, Germaine Marie
Germaine Marie Arsenault
Germaine Marie Arsenault est décédée é l'hôpital Prince County le 29 mars 2018 é l'âge de 80 ans. Elle et son mari Léo demeuraient présentement é Summerside.
Née le 15 avril 1937, elle était la fille de feus Augustin et Nélida (Arsenault) Gallant du Cap-Egmont.
Germaine laisse dans le deuil son mari Léo, son fils David (Tammy) et petites-filles Kate et Madelaine de Dartmouth, N.-É., sa sœur Azèle (Johnny) Arsenault de Summerside, son frère Edmond (Zita) Gallant de Mont-Carmel, son beau-frère Raymond Giles de Enfield, N.-É., sa tante Rita du Chez-Nous et plusieurs nièces et neveux.
Elle fut précédée dans la tombe par ses parents Augustin et Nélida, ses sœurs Della (Gérard) Arsenault, Thérèse et Zita, ses beaux-parents Dolore et Marianne Arsenault, et ses belles-sœurs et beaux-frères Rita (Leonard) Gaudet, Roséline (Alphie) Gallant, Mary Giles, Madeleine et Raymond.
La famille recevra les condoléances é la Coopérative funéraire Évangéline é Urbainville le lundi 2 avril de 14h-16h et de 19h-21h, ainsi que de 14h-14h45 le jour des funérailles. Celles-ci seront célébrées é l'église Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel le mardi 3 avril é 15h30.
Des dons é la mémoire de Germaine peuvent être faits é la Fondation canadienne du rein ou é une charité de votre choix. L'inhumation au cimetière paroissial de l'église aura lieu é une date ultérieure. Des messages de condoléance peuvent être envoyés au
Germaine Marie Arsenault
The death occurred peacefully at the Prince County Hospital on Thursday, March 29, 2018, of Germaine Marie Arsenault at the age of 80 years. She and her husband Léo were presently residing in Summerside.
Born on April 15, 1937, Germaine was the daughter of Augustin and Nélida (Arsenault) Gallant of Cape Egmont.
She leaves to mourn her husband Léo, her son David (Tammy) and grand-daughters Kate and Madelaine of Dartmouth, N. S., her sister Azèle (Johnny) Arsenault of Summerside, her brother Edmond (Zita) Gallant of Mont-Carmel, her brother-in-law Raymond Giles of Enfield, N. S., her special aunt Rita Gallant of Le Chez-Nous, as well as numerous nieces and nephews.
Germaine was predeceased by her parents Augustin and Nélida, her sisters Della (Gérard) Arsenault, Thérèse and Zita (in infancy), her parents-in-law Dolore and Marianne Arsenault, and her sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law Rita (Leonard) Gaudet, Roséline (Alphie) Gallant, Mary Giles, Madeleine and Raymond (in infancy).
Resting at the Evangeline Funeral Home, Urbainville, for visitation on Monday, April 2, from 2-4 p.m. and 7-9 p.m., as well as from 2-2:45 p.m. on the day of the funeral. Funeral mass will be celebrated at Our Lady of Mont-Carmel Church, Mont-Carmel, on Tuesday, April 3, at 3:30 p.m.
Donations in Germaine's memory can be made to the Kidney Foundation of Canada or to a charity of your choice. Interment in the church parish cemetery at a later date.
Online condolences may be sent to
Germaine Marie Arsenault
The funeral for Germaine Marie Arsenault of Summerside, beloved wife of Léo J. Arsenault, was held on Tuesday, April 3rd, from the Evangeline Co-op Funeral Home, Urbainville, to Our Lady of Mont-Carmel Church, Mont-Carmel, at 3:30 p.m. The funeral mass was celebrated by Fr. Michel Painchaud who proclaimed the gospel, delivered the homily and read the prayers of final commitment and farewell. Everyone attending the funeral was considered an honorary pall bearer. The readings were proclaimed by Kate Arsenault and Micheline Gardiner. The prayers of the faithful were addressed by Doris Arsenault and Kate Arsenault. The cross bearer was Lucia Bridges and the candle bearers were Donna Richards and Erma Gallant. Eucharistic ministers were Florence Arsenault and Léonce Arsenault. The active pall bearers were Ghislain Gallant, Christian Gallant, Raymond Arsenault, Paul Arsenault, Wayne Oakes and Gary Ramsay. Flower bearers were Kate Arsenault, Madelaine Arsenault, Claudette Clements, Marcella Arsenault, Jeanne Arsenault and Rose-Marie Sonier. The Mont-Carmel Church Choir was under the direction of organist Edmond Gallant. Austin Poirier and Louis Arsenault sang "How Great Thou Art" accompanied by guitarists Herman Marché and Austin Poirier. Interment will take place in the Parish Church Cemetery at a later date.